Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Great TV Advertisements and some that are Not Great, Misleading, Greenwashing or Just Plain Evil.

Nissan: Their Ads for Cars and Trucks feature a Beautiful White Woman. I assume that on Mexican TV They have a Mexican Model and In India They use a Bollywood Star... anything but an Oriental Spokes Model promoting an Oriental Car. Or Maybe Not...

Nissan: Their Ads for Cars and Trucks feature a Beautiful White Woman.

Halo - TV Commercial - like a Renassance Painting of the Virgin Mary... or Jesus...
Halo - TV Commercial - like a Renaissance
Painting of the Virgin Mary... or Jesus...
Halo - TV Commercial - like a Renassance Painting of the Virgin Mary... or Jesus...

Oh, Oh, Oh, Ozempic! Has Great Music Based on a Seventies Hit Song... 
Oh, Oh, Oh, It's Magic! by Pilot.
Pilot was a rock musical group, formed during 1973 in Edinburgh, Scotland by the former Bay City Rollers members, David Paton and Billy Lyall. "Magic" was the first hit single for the group. I wonder if Ozempic is Paying Royalties for that song? No One Seems to Know Online...

Sandals, a Resort in Jamaica, is using Bob Marley's Song "Three Little Birds" in their Commercials. Excellent! "Don't Worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing's gonna be all right!"

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and now for the Bad Commercials
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USPS: They spend a LOT of Money on TV Commercials in the Hope that People Will NOT NOTICE the Bad Quality and Think Positively About Them... Imagine if They Spent That money on ACTUALLY FIXING THE USPS...

Chevron also has many Greenwashing Commercials where they show the Joy of Driving a Car... Down Highway One in Big Sur... Remember: Automobile Exhaust is Causing Climate Change and Massive Wildfires Every Summer... but... With "The Human Energy Company" that's not mentioned... only How it's FUN FUN FUN!

and What The F*CK Does "Human Energy Company" Mean???
Humans creating energy on stationary bicycle generators at Humboldt State University
Here's a Photo of Actual Human Energy... Converting FAT into Electricity... using stationary bicycle generators at Humboldt State University
engineering drawing of a stationary bicycle power generator
engineering drawing of a stationary bicycle power generator

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OK... Enough of that... Now for the Truly EVIL Commercials...

All Advertisements for Alcohol... Those Ads Make People Thirsty and Cause an Increase of Consumption... and an Increase of Brain Damage... and an Increase in Bad Decisions... and Drunk Driving... and Wife Beating... Fistfights...

We Stopped Advertising Tobacco on TV Because it caused Harm to People... Why not stop ads for Alcohol? It causes Harm to People...

There is a Fundamental Lie in All Alcohol Ads... That Drinking is FUN FUN FUN... For Some People, No It's Not...
child reaching for a bottle of booze - advertisement
and Teaching Children to that it's Cool to Drink? That's EVIL...

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OK: Misleading...
Prevagen and Neuriva claim to make you smarter... That's simply not true... Do Research on the Internet and all actual Doctors Dispute that Claim...

They all say that Coffee, Tea and Green Tea DO make people Smarter... But All Other Supplements are BOGUS!

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I Almost Always Turn Off the Sound During Commercials... BUT... on Occasion I Don't and the List of Side Effects for Doctor Drugs is Truly Frightening! I'm also angered by the Fact That the Price I Pay for Prescription Drugs Finances those Advertising Campaigns... When I See a Healthy Person Singing and Dancing after Eating a Pill that I Eat... I'm Angered... That's not the effect I'M GETTING... Oh, Results May Vary...

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and now for something completely different
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My Facebook Blocking of Religion Arguments - meme
My Facebook Blocking of Religion Arguments

and the people responded:
I have experienced the same damn thing; not from Evangelicals - their dogma died long ago - they're so brain-frozen nothing gets through. But the anger and hate that comes out of evangelical-atheists is worse. Worse, to me, probably because it's unexpected from "learned" people who have studied theology, and/or physics, and/or evolution, etc, etc. One ("I") would think they would know they know not everything, and would, therefore, at least attempt to have an open mind; if for no other reason than to consider the unknown. IMO (not so humble) these are the closed-minded people who kept us stuck in the dark ages, the inquisition and 300 years between Newtonian and quantum physics (400 years from Copernicus). Point is: it wasn't and isn't the common-man/woman who kept us stuck in one dogma or another, it was the self-proclaimed "thinkers & experts" who did that.
Sorry for the rant.

Me too... I can't see any difference between religious zealots and radical atheists, they both sound the same to me...

I wish Americans realized that all of these issues, abortion, religion, electric vehicles, Ukraine, Russia, solar energy, fossil fuels, etc. etc. are all about keeping us divided so that the two party scam can keep perpetrating there corruption on us & our country  until America is destroyed. 

Dear Rainbow Family, Peace Tribe.
I want to share an idea for us to grow sustainably and share together our talent, or help each other out, each and everyone in our pretty big family.
This idea I had for a while now, but was not sure how to put it in words with my half broken English, but here it goes.
As the world changing everymoment, and since the first rainbow till now, a lot of guidelines changed as well, even from my first rainbow in 1994 a lot have changed, talking information vise.
Now I thought if to the Nationals come 10 to 20 thousand people, and in this group is at least few thousand. Maybe at least about thousand will see it.
But here it goes. If all of us, each and everyone will create or make their YouTube channel or Reel or TikTok or any platform that we can get paid on, from the channel itsels. Not as donation but every month money to your account just by sharing wayever you feel like.
So if each and everyone will create one and follow each other on it. Like I have a YouTube channel and everyone will follow it, same I will follow everyone from this page channel, and everyone does the same to everyone, we could all become sustainable just by doing it to each other.
Because on YouTube you only need 1000 followers and 4000 watch hours for to get royalties. That is very doable for big family like ours.
So imagine then each and everyone of us will get paid just by creating that and supporting each other, which will no cost any money to any of us.
I believe it can work. Plus no one have to make any super videos. You dont even need videos, and share pics or anything. No one even have to show their face.
What do you think family?
That would definitely pay for everyone's travel or living in the woods without working for a man. It's just to trick the system with our togetherness and support. Then we will be sustainable just from that.
Who is down?
Any opinions?

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