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Crazy Man With a Gun Destroys Power Station. Electricity OUT for 40,000 People. SOLUTION? OUTLAW GUNS, COLLECT GUNS AND MELT GUNS.

A State of Emergency is in effect in Moore County, North Carolina after a massive power outage caused by damage to substations by firearms.

The Moore County Attack was VERY SIMILAR to a Fictional Plan Written by G. Gordon Liddy for OMNI Magazine in 1989...

Terrorists would hit power plants, rail lines, airports, and natural gas pipelines. Although Liddy's tale is pure speculation, it is based on technologies and tactics that are very real.

Knocking out these essential parts of a country's infrastructure is also a preferred way to wage a modern war, say proponents of a new, deadly strategy called low-intensity conflict.

"There are only about 500 EHV (extremely high voltage) transformers in the entire nation. Their locations are shown on a map available to the public. Most are protected by no more than a chain-link fence and warning signs that serve to confirm exactly what they are. EHV transformers are sophisticated pieces of equipment not manufactured in the United States. The lead time for delivery of a new one from abroad is 18 months. They can be put out of operation by a high-powered rifle."

That was Fiction... This is Reality!

Sheriff Fields said firearms were used to shoot and disable equipment at two substations in Moore County. Power could be out until Thursday, according to the sheriff’s office and Duke Energy officials. In the news conference, deputies said the FBI is assisting with the investigation, as well as the state Bureau of Investigation.

Swastika made out of Pistols - meme -  How Can We NOT SEE that Guns are Evil?

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