They Intentionally Raised the Price of Gasoline in order to Help Republicans Win the 2022 Election... "See? The Democrats Can't Govern! Look at these Gas Prices! Elect Republicans That will Cut Taxes for the Super Rich! That'll Make America Great!"
and The People of the USA are NOT Fooled and Are Angry! SELL Fossil Fuel Stock! Those Guys are EVIL! Obviously ExxonValdez, BP, Shell and Chevron are Destroying The Planet...
We Must Evolve from Energy Hunter-Gatherers to Become Energy Farmers. - Quote from SchatzLab at Humboldt State University - Arcata, California companies rake in huge profits amid consumer squeeze...
List of American Oil Companies:
I am the High Tech Hero! I fixed a Ding Dong Emergency Bell for another Resident... Whenever She wants the Care Giver to go help her she pushes a button and a box in the Kitchen goes Ding Dong... Until it Just Failed... For No Reason... So.... The Equipment has NO Name on it... just the words "Made in China" - So I took a photo of the box, did a Google Search By Image, found a similar picture that lead me to an owners manual... Read the Instructions and figured out How to Reset the Machine... Simply push and hold the "Sound Selector" button for Five Seconds...
So... If You are in a Similar Situation... Remember that You Can Take a Photo and Do a Image Search by Photo... Excellent!
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"As the highs and lows disappear...
we sometimes feel a sadness and depression, a sense of having lost the richness of the romance of life. Indeed, an awakened being is not romantic, for nothing is special anymore. Every moment is all of it. No romance. Just the coming and the going. Coming and going.
The dark night of the soul is when you have lost the flavor of life but have not yet gained the fullness of divinity.
So it is that we must weather that dark time, the period of transformation when what is familiar has been taken away and the new richness is not yet ours."
~ Ram Dass
the Grateful Dead play free concert on a flatbed truck, Haight Street Fair, San Francisco 1968 
photo by Jim Marshall

Filming the Ending of 2001 A Space Odyssey