Door on the Left is My Room. |

New Roof on my House under
Construction today 3/22/2022

A View of the Front of the House thru the Palm Trees |
One Step Out My Door - Trees, Lawn
In the Summer, there are Roses
and a Crepe Myrtle tree in Bloom.
Our Creek. Stagnant Water &
The Abandoned Vineyard...
It hasn't rained for two months but
the water is still there...
Breeding Mosquitoes...
I Squirted Some Liquid Hand Soap
on the water. That's supposed to prevent
Mosquito Larva from Hatching...
We Shall SEE!
Lawnmower Man:
Here He Comes...
There He Goes! |
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Back Deck: I spend a lot of time observing nature here... That's one of the Great Advantages of Retirement... I Can sit here in the Sunshine and Listen to the Little Birds and the Children Playing far away... Not Reading a Book, Not Writing a Blog Post... Just Observing the Wonders of Nature...
Looking All the Way Left |
Looking Middle Left |
Looking Middle Right |
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Remember: The GOP's Fake "Voter Fraud" is all about preventing Democrats from Voting... Because the Majority of Voters are Young, Women, Minorities or College Graduates and ALL Those Groups Vote Democratic.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
DEFUND tRUMP's SPACE FARCE. It's Really Unlikely that we will be Invaded by Aliens in Flying Saucers... and if we do, we ought to be friendly... because they would have better technology... better weapons! It's Obvious that tRUMP Started the Space Farce because he believed that Little Green Men from Uranus were Likely to Attack Him... Clinically, That's Paranoid Schizophrenia... Police Code 5150...
Thank you my friend Fred Hamill 

Moscow Mitch had a plan on a takeover of the U S Senate and House in the 2022 midterm elections just 8 months from now.
It was a simple plan and definitely the smartest route to take.
His plan was to say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the Republican radical right agenda once the Republicans actually seized power.
But now his plan has been completely sabotaged by Republican Senator Rick Scott of Florida.
Last week Rick Scott laid out a frightening, Orwellian 11 point agenda once Republicans regain power.
It is a comprehensive right wing wish list for a theocratic, kleptocratic, plutocratic, apartheid based United States where the poor are further impoverished and power and resources are concentrated even further into the hands of corporate elites.
The Rick Scott, Republican agenda proposes the following:
The total phase out of Social Security retirement benefits for ALL Americans!!
A declaration of war on the transgender community by claiming there are JUST two genders. This will enable Republicans to impose harsh punishments against transgender people.
Eliminating the federal Department of Education while introducing prayer in public schools. This has been a longtime desire by the theocratic right.
The mandatory phase out of ALL federal programs including every environmental protection law unless specifically reauthorized by a Republican controlled government.
A massive gutting of federal workers including regulators who protect our health, environment, food safety, and IRS workers so the richest non paying plutocrats and corporate criminals pay nothing in taxes.
And while the Rick Scott agenda says noting about the rich paying their fair share of taxes he goes out of his way to impose new taxes on the poorest people in this country. Or as Rick Scott phrased it "everyone should have skin in the game"
It does not matter to Rick Scott and Republicans how impoverished Americans are. They must pay taxes to allow billionaires and corporate criminals to pay none!
The Scott/Republican agenda calls for draconian nationwide voter ID laws to suppress minority and student voters and to lock in permanent Republican advantages in all elections.
The Scott/Republican agenda will spend billions of dollars to build the fantasy wall envisioned by Trump and to even name the wall after the TWICE impeached Trump.
The Scott/Republican agenda calls for a FIFTY STATE BAN on abortions. This plan would not just make abortion a state by state decision but would impose a national ban on abortions.
In some respects Democrats owe Rick Scott a huge thank you.
He has exposed the Republican agenda for the anti democratic, fascist roadmap that it is.
It is a plan that economist Paul Krugman has called "zombie economics".