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tRUMP's Read a Book Campaign. 1984 This Week - Monkeywrench Gang Next Week
tRUMP's Read a Book Campaign.
1984 This Week...
Monkeywrench Gang Next Week...

"Extraordinary Popular Delusions
and The Madness Of Crowds." 

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But First... a Word from Our Sponsor
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Peace and Love... Not Just A Great Idea 
But a Practical and Efficient Way Of Life!  

Why is there a Group Named QueerAnon? Sometimes Called QANON... What's The Mission?

Staff Locator for the EPA 
including EMAIL Addresses and Phone Numbers.

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and Now for something Completely Different...
a Chapter from My Autobiography...
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On family day, my brother took us to visit Lawrence Livermore Lab. I remember the Shiva Project.  It was a Fusion Nuclear Power Plant Prototype. You may have seen it as the movie "TRON" had a few scenes filmed there. It was a fundamentally valid idea but it never created more power than it took to run the machine. They took a drop of "Heavy" Water and focused many giant laser beams on it from all directions. The idea was that the heat would cause the hydrogen to FUSE into helium. Just like it does in the SUN. When they turned on the power the lights of the city of Livermore would dim. Martin worked in Biology at the Lab.

One time Martin took me to a Biology Trade Show in Washington DC at a big Hotel. A BioTech Company from England had invented a single celled animal that TASTED LIKE CHICKEN. We ate some... It was illegal for a BioTech Company to design and grow food in the USA but the laws allowed it in England. Quite like Zymoveal out of Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Books. I still believe that it's a good idea. I think it ate oil... Could solve World Hunger.

As a child I loved the Books by Jules Verne and H G Wells. Later my favorite author was Asimov. I'm surprized that Hollywood has never made a movie out of the Foundation Trilogy. It would be as epic as Lord of the Rings... An invention foretold in Foundation was the Encyclopedia Galactica. It now exists as Wikipedia... I still believe there is a possibility of predicting the future using computer modeling... (PsychoHisory)... Be sure to see the movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Rick Wakeman and an Orchestra... They have a narrator reading the Jules Verne story and then the band plays a song about that chapter. Quite Remarkable. Yes, Rick plays two Moog synthesizers at the same time. Got two hands? Play two Moogs.

Everyone read "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut. We practiced the transference of Our Souls thru the Soles of our feet... lying down on the High School Lawn in the Sunshine... Yes, we were goofy.

MAD Magazine was my favorite. They did satire including a silly poem called Jabberwacky... (On Dreaming, After Falling Asleep Watching TV) based on Lewis Carrol's Book Alice in Wonderland and Thru the Looking Glass. "Twas Brillo and the GE Stoves did Proctor Gamble in the Glade. All Pillsbury were the Tastee Loaves and in a Minute Maid. Beware the Station Break My son..." etc. etc. etc.

I found some engineering plans in Mad Magazine that allowed us to turn off the sound of the TV during commercials. I took apart my parent's TV and installed a switch on the end of a long wire. We had a "Mute" button long before remote controls were invented. Amazingly, I did not get electrocuted nor did I wreck my parent's TV.
After high school I went to Chico, California to attend college. My major was biology and I found out that I had no interest in studying that subject or ANY subject AT ALL... I spent a lot of time smoking marijuana, drinking and playing music with my friends. After two years I flunked out. However, I did get to experience swimming in Upper Bidwell Park where the Black Lava Flows from Mount Lassen are. I swam thru a Lava Tube at "Bear Hole"... That tube has been closed by the Park Rangers after a student drowning...  I really enjoyed swimming at One Mile Pool, Day or Night. Not many Parks are open all night long but Bidwell is so long and thin that a fence is impractical. Plus, a fence is, like, totally opposite to the culture of the Chico-Freako! It was super fun to go swimming nude with my girlfriend... Last Year I read her Obituary on the internet... So Sad...

I remember Tubing on Butte Creek. During the Spring it was a wild ride due to melting snow coming down from Mt Lassen. During my second time living in Chico my wife and I swam at Oki Dam.

I remember riding my bicycle everywhere because Chico is a totally flat town and parking is difficult to find near campus. In general, automobiles were expensive and unnecessary too. However, some students DID own them and they were handy for visiting San Francisco (Like the time we went to hear Led Zeppelin at Kezar Stadium).

I got to go on a Magic Bus Ride with a many other students to go hear The Grateful Dead at UN Reno. My friend Jimmy played his guitar and I played the Harmonica while everyone else sang along... Then we stayed at a cabin on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe and the next day I ate some LSD and went to hear the legendary "Wall of Sound" at the University of Nevada football field. The Dead had a lot of trouble making that absurdly large public address system work but... we all had fun anyway... Especially playing slot machines after the show and driving down that street where they have giant sculptures of Showgirls.

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In the springtime Chico State has a week long celebration called "Pioneer Days". My friends and I decided that the last place we wanted to be was in town when it was invaded by drunken strangers. We went camping at Yosemite, took LSD and climbed the trail to the top of Yosemite Falls. The higher we got in elevation the Higher We Got... By the time we arrived on top of the mountain it appeared to be moving wildly... as if the granite was dancing. I lay down on my belly and crawled to the edge... That's a great view but really dangerous because it's a tall cliff with no guard rail. We walked down to the valley floor and rode the double-decker bus around... sitting on the top, with no roof... bliss... we also walked to the base of Vernal Falls on the mist trail. I looked at my arm and it looked like a bear, with claws... I went fishing in the river and slapped a fish out onto the shore... just like a bear would. That evening we were playing guitars and my harmonica around the campfire when a ranger ran out of the darkness and tackled me... We were passing around a joint and I was holding it. He gave me a ticket for "Disturbing the Peace" and told us that we had to leave the park the next day or he'd change the charge to possession... In my humble opinion, The Ranger was the one "disturbing the peace" by tackling me...

The next Year we took a camping trip to Hetch-Hetchy reservoir. Another beautiful granite mountain near Yosemite. We took LSD and went free-climbing up a chimney and then hiked around above the tree line. I went down to the edge of the river to admire the bubbling water and accidentally slipped in. Could have died as there was a large waterfall downstream. The water out powered me and took me to the bottom of the pool. I gave up, accepted death and bubbled up to a place on the far shore where I climbed out. A cosmic near death experience... Hey Kids, Don't Do This!

Read More:

Why Is There A Group Called QueerAnon? 
Sometimes Called QAnon... 
Are They Some Kind Of Gay Rights Thing? 
 #QAnon, #WWG1WGA, #TheGreatAwakening, #Pizzagate, #saveourchildren, #QueerAnon, #WYSIWYG, #TrumpFailed, #ArrestTrump, #DitchMitch, #DumpTrump, #HashishTags, #IvankaGate, #QuestionAuthority, #GOPisEVIL, #LockHimUp, #DeepStateDoesNotExist, #BiteMyShinyMetalAss

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