Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump is a Danger to Self And Others. Police Code 5150 - Music Video: The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key Blues...

5150 refers to the California law code for the temporary, involuntary psychiatric commitment of individuals who present a danger to themselves or others due to signs of mental illness. It has been more generally applied to people who are considered threateningly unstable or “crazy.”

Music Video: 

The Lock Him Up and Throw Away The Key Blues...

Music Video "I Like Trees, Big Old Trees" (They seem like Members of My Family.)

Music Video: Butterfly Freedom...

Chords and Lyrics...
Did You Ever Notice... Reality?  [E, D#, D, C#, C, B]
It's Right Outside Your Door... 
Take a Walk in the Woods... Unplug... 
and Experience Nature... [E, A, E, A, E]

Did You Know It's Possible to Do Ecstatic Dancing 
[E, D#, D, C#, C, B]
Without Buying A Buncha Plastic Crap... 
Wayfair Is Lying... The TV is Lying... 
Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up NOW! [E, A, E, A, E]

Did You Ever Notice That Doctor Drugs Kill Millions?
[E, D#, D, C#, C, B]
What About The Endless List of Side Effects?
Why Not Just Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables?
Then No Doctor Drugs are Needed...  [E, A, E, A, E]

[E, D#, D, C#, C, B]
Think for Yourself and Question Authority. [2X]

Go Ask Alice... To Legalize Magic Mushrooms? 
[E, D#, D, C#, C, B]
Why Not Let Doctors Decide... Why Not Let Patients Decide...
Instead of Bribed Politicians...The Puppets of Big Pharma... 
[E, A, E, A, E]

What Have We Learned from COVID 19? [E, D#, D, C#, C, B]
Mainly that we are Going to Have COVID 20, 21, 22, 23 and 
an Endless Stream of Tropical Diseases... [E, A, E, A, E]

Massive Loss on the Stock Market Again Today! 
[E, D#, D, C#, C, B]
#TrumpHasFailed #OccupyThe World Investigate #IvankaGate [E, A, E, A, E]

E = e0 B0 G7 D6 A7 E0 
D# = e0 B0 G6 D5 A6 E0
D = e0 B0 G5 D4 A5 E0
C# = e0 B0 G4 D5 A4 E0
B = e0 B0 G3 D2 A3 E0

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