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The "Deep State" Does Not Actually Exist. It's Just Another #TrumpLie - an Excuse for His Failure. Investigate #IvankaGate

Q: That ‘Deep State’ You Keep Hearing About? It Doesn’t Exist... 

Former NSA director Michael Hayden is no white knight. But he’s right on this point, which he makes in his new book, The Assault on Intelligence. 

Michael Hayden really, really doesn’t like it when people talk about the Deep State.
Well, of course! is what you’re probably thinking. Hayden is a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a former director of the National Security Agency, and a former deputy director of national intelligence. If anybody embodies what President Trump, numerous right-wing Trump acolytes, and all too many progressives refer to as the Deep State, it would be Hayden. But in his just-released book, The Assault on Intelligence, Hayden patiently—and, at times, not so patiently—makes the case for why the Deep State, well, doesn’t exist.

President Donald Trump on Saturday accused, without providing any evidence, the US Food and Drug Administration of deliberately delaying coronavirus vaccine trials, pressuring the man he had picked to head the agency.

"The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics," Trump tweeted, continuing to push his unfounded theory that there is a "deep state" embedded within the government bureaucracy working against his reelection.

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