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QAnon: Prosecution of Child-Sex Traffickers WENT DOWN Under Trump. #DumpTrump Do It For The Children! HEADLINE: Trump Administration Gives Child Sex Traffickers a Break. FACT!

Ever Visit any of the QAnon FaceBooB Groups? They Constantly Freak Out about The Crime of Pedophilia... WHY? 

HEADLINE: Trump Administration Gives Child Sex Traffickers a Break. FACT: The prosecution of child sex traffickers is one area in which the Trump administration cannot, under any stretch of the imagination in the White House’s alternative fact world, claim greater success over the Obama administration. 

HEADLINE: What Is QAnon, the Viral Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory? Explaining the “big tent conspiracy theory” that falsely claims that President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles.

QAnon[a] (/kjuːəˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy theory[2][3][4][5][6][7] alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against President Donald Trump, who is battling them.[8] No part of the theory is based on fact.[9][10][11][12]

HEADLINE: Trump's Mythical Crackdown on Sex Trafficking. No, there haven't been an "unprecedented" number of child sex-trafficking rings busted since Donald Trump took office.

HEADLINE: Why Are Right-Wing Conspiracies so Obsessed With Pedophilia? The story is the same, from the day-care panics to QAnon: It’s not really about the kids. It’s about fears of a changing social order.

Q - Upside down American Flag - meme - gvan42

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