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I Have Witnessed Many Deaths At My Home (an assisted living facility - housing six people)... IT DOESN'T LOOK TOO BAD! They just Never Get out of Bed for a couple of months and then an ambulance takes them away... never to return...

First they get Dementia... So It's entirely possible they do not know they are dying... Hard to Tell because we can't actually Talk to them... Maybe lost in a dream world... I do know that they rarely respond when the Nurse shouts their name... in an attempt to get their attention... Like, to help with feeding...

It's Comforting to understand that... When It's MY Turn... The Nurses will give me the same level of care that they give all the other people here... 

Just in case You are Concerned About Your Own Death... Relax... 

Why I'm Writing this is: I'm Sliding Into Dementia... I Have No Idea What We Ate for Dinner Yesterday. Lunch was Egg Rolls and Lentil Soup but Dinner... is a Blank Spot... 
Photo of a Perfect Red Rose - A Visual Mantra - Think About This! Make You Happy Automatically - gvan42
Photo of a Perfect Red Rose - A Visual Mantra
Think About This!
It Make You Happy Automatically - gvan42

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