Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Excuse "But Mommy, All the Other Kids Are Doing It." Is Not Valid... Anyone who has been a parent knows that!

Trump Said He is Not Concerned about Russia Interfering in Our Election because We Do It Too...  The CORRECT ANSWER Is For Both Countries To JUST STOP!

Report: Trump told Russians he didn't care about 2016 election interference... In the 2017 meeting, Trump said he was unconcerned because the U.S. does the same thing to other countries, per the Washington Post Newspaper

and this is Just the first of the "Super Double Secret" Memos Hidden in that Code-Word Classified Server... 

Rainbow Spiral Postcard for Sale!
Classic Digital Art... Just for Fun... and If you mail it to a friend they can post it on the wall of their office... just a bright spot to relieve the monotony of work...

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