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Owning a Gun Makes Your Family LESS SAFE. Increase in Successful Suicide, Increase in Gun Accidents and Increase in Family Members Shooting each other during Arguments CAUSE MORE DEATHS than Lives Saved Protecting Your Family from BAD GUYS.

In all the CrazyTalk[tm] this weekend one voice makes actual sense...

Joe Biden says: ASSAULT RIFLES SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. They were Illegal before and the Murder rate went down.

We made Machine Guns Illegal in the 1930s after Chicago Gangland Murders... Hand Grenades are Illegal... Bazookas are Illegal...

If you want to Hunt Deer, Use a Bow and Arrow... Make it a SPORT not a Slaughter... No One Needs an Assault Rifle to Kill Bambi...

MEME - gvan42 - March for Our Lives - Still Needed Today.  Stop the #MAGAKillers We said #NeverAgain but Gun Nuts  Killed Again and Again and Again!
March for Our Lives - Still Needed Today.
Stop the #MAGAKillers
We said #NeverAgain but Gun Nuts
 Killed Again and Again and Again!

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