Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

We should Make Tap Water Safe instead of Selling Bottled Water. What happens when you take a shower? The pollution gets in right thru your skin...

Trump's EPA is in favor of more pollution. They are bought off by Corporations that want to save money disposing toxic waste by just dumping it right onto the ground or in the river. 

Remember: A Vote for Trump is a Vote for More Pollution. Your Children will be drinking toxic water and COUGHING... 

Now Trump wants to Re-Classify Nuclear Waste so they can drive it all over the country... Couldn't do that before because Atomic Waste was so toxic that Transportation Laws prevented trucking... SOOOOOO... Call Atomic Waste Safe and WHEE! Laws don't apply... I think we should rename it... Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty and serve it as a Part of this Complete Breakfast!

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