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Solar Powered Drinking Water Systems Could Simpy SOLVE Southern California's Water Shortage. Convert SEA WATER into DRINKING WATER... Cheaper Than Piping Water from the Sacrament River in Northern California to LA.

These solar-powered water purifiers can produce 30,000 gallons of water per day... This is "Off the Shelf" technology that people can simply Buy and Install... Purifies Water including Water from the Ocean... Why Not Install MANY of these Machines on Camp Pendleton near San Diego. There is PLENTY of Unused Land... and plenty of Thirsty People, Animals, Gardens, Swimming Pools...

BOOK: Solar Power Your Home For Dummies, 2nd Edition
By Rik DeGunther

Using the sun to purify drinking water is a great solar project for the do-it-yourselfer. A solar-powered purification system the size of a microwave oven can yield up to 3 gallons of purified drinking water on a sunny day.

HEADLINE: Standalone system to produce drinking water via solar energy
by Asociacion RUVID

Researchers from the University of Alicante's research group in applied electrochemistry and electrocatalysis have developed a standalone system for desalinating and treating water through electrodialysis. The system is directly powered by solar energy and can be applied in off-grid areas.

Designed only for desalinating water, it is a sustainable, eco-friendly technology powered by solar photovoltaic panels in a CO2-free process, thus not contributing to climate change.

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