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Evil Betsy DeVos is Trying to Destroy Public Education in the USA because... Uneducated People Vote Republican... DUH...

Did you know that 90% of the Employees at Google Vote Democratic?  Yes, there is a definite TREND... College Graduates have a tendency to vote for Democrats and High School Dropouts are Usually TRUMPNIKS!

Headline: We Don’t Need No Edukashun.
An examination of Trump’s FY2020 budget shows that the administration is asking to cut the Department of Education’s funding from $71 billion to $64 billion, eliminating 29 programs. In addition to zeroing out popular and proven programs like Special Olympics, which has garnered strong support during its 50-year existence, Pell Grants for higher education tuition assistance, literacy and after-school programs would also be adversely affected by new budget statements.
 Education Secretary Betsy DeVos told a House panel Wednesday that she is "not familiar" with affirmative action guidance for schools that the Trump administration rescinded last summer, or with a major Supreme Court ruling on which portions of the guidance were based.

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