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Governor Jay Inslee seems to be the best candidate for President 2020. Smart, Male, White and NOT REALLY REALLY OLD. Bernie, Biden and Trump are JUST TOO DAMN OLD...

Look at the way he runs Washington State... FANTASTIC! The Businesses there are AMAZING... Amazon, Microsoft, Costco, Starbucks and Olympia Brewery... Let Jay run the entire country like he did in Washington State... 

I HAVE BEEN THERE AND IT'S SPECTACULAR... Eat a Legal Marijuana Cookie, Drink some Starbucks Coffee and Ride the Monorail to the Space Needle... Then YOU will understand what a GREAT STATE Jay Runs... 

For Example: The Light Rail in Takoma is FREE because that price gets more people off the roads reducing TRAFFIC JAMS... People that DRIVE feel it's worth money to get other people OFF the Roads and onto the Train... 

Obviously the main requirement for a Democratic Candidate is the Ability to WIN... While women and minorities are encouraged to apply, they stand no chance of actually winning... They would be great as members of the Cabinet... Imagine Elizabeth Warren as Secretary of the TREASURY!

America's Climate Mission

Building a Just, Innovative and Inclusive Clean Energy Economy... As Americans, this is our moment to act on climate change and to invest in a clean energy economy that will grow millions of jobs in communities across the country.
Governor Jay Inslee knows that defeating climate change is the defining challenge of our time and that it must be the foremost priority for the next president. Devastating disasters and rising pollution have claimed lives, cost the economy billions and threatened the places Americans live, work and raise families.
Jay’s climate plan will meet the climate challenge head-on, while creating jobs building a clean energy future. That’s what he has done in Washington state, and it’s what he’s proposing for the nation.
It is time for an all-out national climate mobilization: America’s Climate Mission. America is a nation of optimists that has always thrived in meeting new challenges, with hope, opportunity and inclusion. This Climate Mission is Jay’s ambitious and actionable plan for our nation to defeat climate change and invest in our clean energy future, fueled anew by the growing movement for a Green New Deal, and he has the proven experience to turn this plan into action.

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