Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Tacoma, Washington Light Rail is FREE. The Taxpayers have Determined that the More People that Ride the Train the Fewer Traffic Jams for People that Drive

We OUGHT to make ALL PUBLIC Transportation Free... Just to get Fewer People in Cars... Less Global Warming Pollution... 

A Couple of Times I have Lived in a Place where Riding the Bus to Work was Practical. It is Dramatically better to Ride the Bus than Drive... and yet, when I Bought my Van, I stopped Riding the Bus and I Drove... I Guess that I Really Didn't Like Being OUTDOORS in the Rain. and I really didn't Like arriving at the Bus Stop a MINUTE LATE and watching The Bus Drive Away... and Waiting an Hour. I DID Like the Women I Met on the Bus... and I DID Like the Sleeping I did in the Morning on the way to work... and I Did Like the Weed I found on the Bus in a Purse some Lady Forgot... 

The Main Cause Of Global Warming is BURNING FOSSIL FUELS. and the Main Way a Person Can Stop Burning Fossil Fuels is to NOT Drive a Car. 

Remember, time spent commuting is a total waste of your life. The Next Time You Select a New Job, Make Sure That A SHORT COMMUTE is a Major Factor is Your Selection. A Job Has to PAY A LOT MORE MONEY to Justify a Long Commute.  

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