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Trump Says: "Danger, Danger Aliens Approaching..." quoting the Robot in the TV Show Lost in Space...

Just like Lost in Space... a Sixties TV Show...  "Danger Danger, Aliens Approaching" said the Robot
Just like Lost in Space... a Sixties TV Show...
"Danger Danger, Aliens Approaching" said the Robot

The Aliens are currently walking from Guatemala  into Mexico... they have a LONG way to go before they reach The USA border... Much ado about nothing...

Caravan Of 3,000 Honduran Migrants Reaches Mexico Border

Lost in Space

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Lost in Space (1965 – 1968) is a science-fiction television series that follows the adventures of the Robinson family, their pilot, and a troublesome stowaway as they try to find their way back to Earth after a disastrous accident.

Deadliest of the Species[edit]

The Robot: Danger, Will Robinson!
Despite its fame, this phrase only occurs once (in exactly this form) in the series, in the third-season episode "Deadliest of the Species" and it is not in the context of an urgent warning. Throughout the series however the Robot does frequently say "Danger, danger!" and "Warning, warning!", and he often refers to Will by his full name.

The Robot: Warning! Warning! Alien spacecraft approaching!

Dr. Smith: We're doomed!

Dr. Smith: Crepes suzette!

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