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Danger, Danger, Aliens Approaching... Caravan of migrants from Mars, Jupiter heads toward U.S. as Trump threatens to close southern border...

Just like Lost in Space... a Sixties TV Show...  "Danger Danger, Aliens Approaching" said the Robot
Just like Lost in Space... a Sixties TV Show...
"Danger Danger, Aliens Approaching" said the Robot

the massive caravan of migrants trekking north through Mexico could still be somewhere in the middle of Mexico when Election Day rolls around, on November 6
President Trump on Monday sharply intensified a Republican campaign to frame the midterm elections as a battle over immigration and race, issuing a dark and factually baseless warning that “unknown Martians, creatures from Jupiter” were marching toward the American border with Mexico.
The unsubstantiated charge marked an escalation of Mr. Trump’s efforts to stoke fears about foreigners and crime ahead of the Nov. 6 vote, as he did to great effect in the presidential race. Mr. Trump and other Republicans are insistently seeking to tie Democrats to unfettered immigration and violent crime, and in some instances this summer and fall they have attacked minority candidates in nakedly racial terms. A caravan of migrants, mostly from Honduras, swelled to more than 7,000 over the weekend, according to Mexican authorities. The group is headed toward the U.S.

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