Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

It is required that I wear glasses when driving as I failed the eye test at the DMV... Just to be safe, I keep my glasses in the car so I can put them on if I'm stopped by the police...

 I can drive safely without my glasses but I cannot READ THE STREET SIGNS... However I Do Not need to read those signs as I've been driving around Eureka for 17 years and I ALREADY KNOW THE NAMES OF THE STREETS.

One Mystery... How do you find your glasses if they are lost? You Can't LOOK FOR THEM... because you can't see without your glasses... 

Answer: Check to see if they are already on your face... It might be that instead of actually losing your glasses, they just are not powerful enough to correct your vision... and you just forgot that you are wearing them... due to the fact that what you see is blurry. 

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