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Great Book: "Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill" by Riki Ott... 28th Amendment - Remove Money From Politics

Betrayed by oilmen’s promises in the 1970s, the people of Prince William Sound, Alaska, awaken on March 14, 1989, to the nation’s largest oil spill. Not One Drop is an extraordinary tale of ordinary lives ripped apart by disaster and of community healing through building relationships of trust. This story offers critical lessons for a society traumatized by political divides and facing the looming catastrophe of global climate change.

Author Riki Ott, a rare combination of commercial salmon “fisherm’am” and PhD marine biologist, describes firsthand the impacts of oil companies’ broken promises when the Exxon Valdez spills most of its cargo and despoils thousands of miles of shore.

The idea of a 28th amendment to the constitution, to limit the influence of money in politics and return at least a little more control of the federal government to the people, is as popular in the U.S. as our national government is unpopular. 

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