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Secret Republicriminal Political Front Organizations with Misleading Names. Like "FreedomWorks" and "Americans for Prosperity" - Their ACTUAL Goal is the OPPOSITE!

They use confusing names and pictures to mislead the public. 
For Example: FreedomWorks... 

Everyone is in favor of Freedom... 
and we all hope that it Works!

What Americans could be opposed to Prosperity?
However, AFP is designed to pass laws that enrich the Koch Brothers...
not Prosperity among Americans in general...
just the super rich...

Americans for Prosperity is a political advocacy group and a non-profit organization... AFP’s stated mission is “educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing citizens as advocates in the public policy process.” The group played a major role in the Republicans’ 2010 takeover of the House of Representatives, and has been called “one of the most powerful conservative organizations in electoral politics.”  AFP was founded with the support of David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch

Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Americas Forum, Center for Security Policy,  National Endowment for Democracy (NED), FreedomWorks. and the Liberty & Freedom Foundation. 

Many other recognizable companies have joined Google as official sponsors of the Republican convention.The official guide lists Microsoft, AT&T, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, and Adobe Systems.
The Tampa Bay host committee also notes various official providers, including Xerox and Coca-Cola.
CATO Institute: Board of Directors:
David H. Koch, Executive Vice President, Koch Industries, Inc.

Muñoz created a 527 organization called the Conservative Hispanic Coalition. Muñoz hosts “America Eres Tu”, an hour long Spanish language radio show that is broadcast on Saturday afternoons. "On his radio show, Muñoz covers social issues and takes the time to explain conservative fiscal issues. Many Hispanics don’t know “we owe money to other countries,” Muñoz says, “they don’t understand we have a deficit, they don’t understand the magnitude of the debt, so I’m there trying to explain it in simple Spanish

FreedomWorks originated from a campaign called Citizens for a Sound Economy. Citizens for a Sound Economy merged with Empower America in 2004 and was renamed FreedomWorks. 

"I don't think this is a secret. Dick Armey and FreedomWorks, which was one of the first organizational mechanisms to bring Tea Party folks together..."
—Barack Obama, October 15, 2010 issue of Rolling Stone Magazine

click on the above link for the Tea Party Manifesto.
The Government Accountability Institute’s mission is to investigate and expose crony capitalism, misuse of taxpayer monies, and other governmental corruption or malfeasance.
Please direct all media
inquiries to:
Sandy Schulz
Senior Publicist
Government Accountability Institute

Allen West is a nationally notable member of the Tea Party Caucus, and has been referred to as the "rock star", "champion", and "political avatar" of the Tea Party movement. His impassioned, and at various times controversial rhetoric, has been met with both approval from supporters and rebuke from critics.

A political attack ad released by American Sunrise PAC was extremely critical of his policies and depicted him in violent cartoon action against several individuals. West immediately issued a statement condemning the ad, stating that it "plays on stereotypes" with the goal of diverting Americans from more pressing matters at hand such as high unemployment. He claimed the ad was released by the family of his opponent.

The campaign manager of his opponent, Patrick Murphy, claimed the ad was from a third party and therefore held no liability for it.

American Sunrise PAC...
They list one candidate on their website:
Patrick Murphy
Florida 18th Congressional District
and two donors...

MIAMI,FL  Coastal Construction Group 5/18/12 $250,000 American Sunrise
MIAMI,FL  Limestone Asset Management 5/25/12 $100,000 American Sunrise
Murphy... father and son... 

A way to publish advertisements with no responsibility for the content.
View the advertisement on Huffington Post. Yep, it's offensive...

Romney's Super PAC:
Restore Our Future confirmed it is buying $2.2 million worth of ad time.
"Mitt Romney has created thousands of jobs, cut spending, and balanced budgets without raising taxes. Barack Obama wasted $800 billion on a failed stimulus and the jobless rate went up." direct quote from the main page of Restore our Future.



Restore Our Future is a political action committee (PAC) created to support Mitt Romney in the 2012 U.S. Presidential election. A so-called Super PAC, Restore Our Future is permitted to raise and spend unlimited amounts of corporate, union, and individual campaign contributions under the terms of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.

As of August 2011, the largest individual contributor to Restore Our Future was John Paulson, a billionaire and hedge fund manager who is, according to Politico, "famous for [having enriched] himself by betting on the collapse of the housing industry." An additional million dollars came from W Spann LLC, a dummy corporation with no record of actual business activities. W Spann LLC was incorporated, donated to the PAC, and then dissolved in a matter of months, attracting concern from election-watchdog groups and campaign-finance experts about the use of dummy corporations to shield large campaign contributions from public scrutiny.

Club for Growth — perhaps more than any other organization on the right — has aggressively supported conservative candidates against incumbent Republicans in an effort to push the GOP toward its pro-business, libertarian brand of conservatism. The group’s dissatisfaction with Romney has been well documented.

The Club for Growth is a politically conservative 527 organization active in the United States of America, with an agenda focused on taxation and other economic issues, and with an affiliated political action committee (PAC). The Club advocates lower taxes, limited government, less government spending, free trade, and economic liberalism (libertarianism). Its PAC endorses and raises money for conservative candidates.
The Club was founded in 1999 by Stephen Moore. The current president is the former Indiana Congressman, Chris Chocola.

Judicial Watch: 8 things you can do now to help stop voter fraud. Whee...
Pretending that there is a CRISIS in voter fraud, Judicial Watch is using this artificial excuse to prevent the 47% from voting... there is an alternative: and

The main complaint of Judicial Watch is that voter registration lists often contain names of people that have recently died. In the event of a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, this would be a problem. In reality, dead people rarely vote.

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