Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

NO NUKES: UNCLEAN UNSAFE... remember CHERNOBYL FUKUSHIMA TMI - PG&E and SoCal Edison give up on Nuclear Power

Both San Onorfre and Diablo Canyon have been scheduled to shut down. California has concluded that Nukes are simply too expensive a way to generate electricity... Solar and wind are cheaper and safer...

~~~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~~~

I saw a SPONSORED advertisement promoting Nuclear Energy written by The Power Company; Southern California Edison. Part of the electric bill consumers pay is being used to advertise on Facebook. Gee, what a waste of money they could be using to build more Solar Power Plants.
Be aware that sponsored advertisements may distort truth to make a sale...
No Nukes. The Con Ed company has been advertising A LOT on Facebook. They have a graphic image that looks like the sun... and they call themselves songs community... as if they had something to do with singing... or community... it is actually an acronym, San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station. It's the second to the last NUKE in California. After THIS one is killed, we should kill "Devil's Canyon". Diablo Canyon. 
No Nukes Unclean Unsafe
and the waste is toxic and has to be guarded for at least 3 billion years.

The website address is
What is songs? It's an acronym...
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
Next time you feel like singing a song, or playing an
electric guitar in Los Angeles...
Realize that the electricity comes from SONGS.

Electric Exercise Bicycles are an alternative power source. 
Picture Pirated from: 

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