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What Would San Francisco Be Like if Japan Had Won World War Two?

Bebop Cubist Goofball by gvan42


That's the Subject of the Science Fiction Book... "The Man in the High Castle" by Philip K Dick... <--- Link to the Book Read Out Loud. 

In the book, Characters throw the I Ching to help them decide what to do... In the Real World, The Author Actually Threw the I Ching while writing the book... to use the ancient wisdom to help write the plot of the story... How the story ends was absolutely chosen by "The Oracle" because the Author had planned for a different ending... 

also... The Author was working at his wife's custom jewelry business during the day... and writing the book at night... 

A Character in the Story Makes Custom Jewelry for a Living... and has a great deal of trouble selling it... The Rulers of San Francisco only like to collect "Authentic" Antique American Products... and there is a Huge Business Creating Fakes that look like the "Real" Thing... For Example: Colt 44 Pistols or Mickey Mouse Wristwatches... 

The Author was using vast quantities of amphetamines... That allowed him to work day and night... 

and eventually it killed him... a stroke and then a heart attack... but first he wrote a LOT of Paranoid Fiction... 

and there is a Book within a Book in this story... 

"The Grasshopper Lies Heavy" - is a Speculative Fiction about What San Francisco would have been like if America Had Won WW2... 

The Author of that book Lived in a Castle High in the Rocky Mountains near Denver, Colorado... a Fortress that could be Easily Defended... But he got too Paranoid about Taking the Tram up there because he thought the Tram Might NOT Stop at His Home but would continue all the way to Heaven... or The Stars... 

Here is an Autobiography:

and Here is VALIS... Which is Very Autobiographical BUT... Very Twisted! by Philip K Dick's Amazing Mind:

Link to "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" - by Philip K Dick - an Excellent Sci-Fi Book Read Out Loud:

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Here is some art of mine... 

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
an Alien with his Spaceship

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
The Carson Mansion in Eureka, CA

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Hand Drawn Flower of Life on a Newspaper

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Photo of Solar Powered Butterfly and Dragonfly

Digital Rainbow Spiral by gvan42
Link to All My Rainbow Spiral Gifts on Zazzle/gregvan:

Link to My NEWEST Rainbow Spiral Gifts:

Logarithmic Spiral - gvan42

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