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Let's BEAT 88 Year Old Chuck Grassley. GOP Senator from Iowa. Abby Finkenauer is Running to Bring Sanity Back to the Senate... Share This Link!

Abby Finkenauer Senate Iowa 2022
Not an Old White Man.

88 year old Chuck Grassley endorsed by Trump the Loser
88 year old Chuck Grassley endorsed by
Donald Trump the Loser.

Notice what Grassley actually said: He wants Trump's endorsement not necessarily because he admires him or agrees with him on policy or thinks the former President has a vision to lead America forward. Instead, he wants Trump's endorsement because Trump is popular with the GOP base. That's it. It's that simple. Pure political calculus for a politician running for another term in November 2022.

Candidates backed by Trump in his impeachment revenge plan are raising less money than their targets, report says...

Tax the Rich AND Cut Taxes on the Rest of Us... All That Extra Money Will BUBBLE UP!

Did You Notice That West Virginia Senator Munchkin is In Favor Of Coal and Opposed to Green Energy? He's a Total Puppet of Fossil Fuel Corporations... and Owns a Coal Mine Himself! That's a Conflict of Interest!

Just Like #MoscowMitch McConnell arranging for a Russian Aluminum Factory to be Built in Kentucky... and He Got the Secretary of the Treasury to make a Special Exception to Sanctions against Oleg Deripaska... and Now... Suddenly #MoscowMitch is Rich! But He Got His Wealth the Old Fashioned Way, Marrying a Rich Girl... and "Magically" She Became Secretary of Transportation... Just before Three Boeing Airplanes fell out of the Sky Killing All... Maybe We Ought To Hire Someone That HAS A CLUE About Transportation? For Example: Just Because Your Father Owns a LOT of Boats Doesn't Exactly Make You a Genius...

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