Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

If Saying Beetle Juice Three Time Will Bring Him Back From The Dead, Will Trump Lying ONE MILLION TIMES Get Him OUT of Mar-A-Loser and Back in the White House? NO... Trump Lost... No More "Audits"

The Entire Goal of "Audits" is to Make Democracy and Elections Invalid... and Let The GOP Simply Appoint Donald the Loser CZAR... and then Barron will inherit The Throne... Bypassing "Junior" and Eric and Ivanka because they are Simply Too Damn Dumb... and Jared isn't Even Family... 

Trump Screamer says: I Was Duped... Trump Lost! No More "Audits"

It has become apparent that James Comey 
is the REAL Father of Barron Trump...
and that's the Reason Trump Fired Comey...
for Getting Melania Knocked UP!
Look at Barrons FACE... It's Obvious!

Screaming Head Says I WON!
Screaming Head Says I WON!

Trump on Acid
In His Own Mind... 

Big Blue Wave coming in 2022... and again in 2024... I hope tRUMP DOES Run for President again... That way He Can LOSE a THIRD TIME! Hillary Got more Votes, Joe Got More Votes and Gavin Will Get More Votes!

Big Blue Wave coming in 2022... and again in 2024... I hope tRUMP DOES Run for President again... That way He Can LOSE a THIRD TIME! Hillary Got more Votes, Joe Got More Votes and Gavin Will Get More Votes!

Trump Lost Meme

On a Different Subject:

I'm not too thrilled about electric cars... Mainly because they get electricity from power companies that make electricity from oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydro, wind and solar

and Hydroelectric power doesn't work when there is no rain... Like Lake Oroville, CA

natural gas, coal and nuclear pollute... and OIL is Horrible... 

solar causes mining disasters... 

Wind only works when the wind is blowing... and that's true in some locations... but those locations are full... Altamont Pass was the First to Get a Wind Farm... It's really pretty... 

The Big Power companies are Building wind and solar electric power plants... PG&E, SoCal Edison, SMUD... and Shutting Down the Nuclear Power Plants. Diablo Canyon is the Very Last one... and It Supplies 10% of California's Electricity...

But We NOW have Safety Blackouts in California... HOW DO YOU CHARGE A CAR WHEN THE POWER IS OFF? 

and I see on the TV advertisements that electric cars only go 300 Miles... What if I wanted to Drive from San Jose to Seattle for Christmas Vacation? I've done That... In One Day... Because My Wife's Car went over 100 MPH easily... and we wanted to see my family... 

I think we need to do everything we can all at once... Mainly Stop Driving all over the place... Necessary Trips Only... Like: Move Work closer to Home... I Know people that live in Sacrament and Commute to the Bay Area Every Day... Really... because Rent is cheaper in Sacramento and the Jobs are in The Bay area... 

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