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Solar Power Parking Lot Shades - Keeps Cars Cool During Hot Summer Days AND Generates Electricity! - That's a Smart Approach to Energy - NO NUKES!

 I First Saw This Brilliant Idea At The Sierra Nevada Brewery in Chico, CA. It Gets Really Hot in the Summer There and The Temperature inside a Car Left All Day in the Sun is EXTREME...

Solar Power Parking Lot Shades - Keeps Cars Cool During Hot Summer Days AND Generates Electricity! - That's a Smart Approach to Energy - NO NUKES!

Solar Power Parking Lot Shades - Keeps Cars Cool During Hot Summer Days AND Generates Electricity! - That's a Smart Approach to Energy - NO NUKES!

Solar Power Parking Lot Shades - Keeps Cars Cool During Hot Summer Days AND Generates Electricity! - That's a Smart Approach to Energy - NO NUKES!

Solar Power Parking Lot Shades - Keeps Cars Cool During Hot Summer Days AND Generates Electricity! - That's a Smart Approach to Energy - NO NUKES!

Climate Change in Central America is Making Farmers WALK NORTH. No Rain Causes Starvation. Former Secretary of State Pompeo Recommends Everyone Move North to "Solve" Global Warming Problems... Of Course, That Plan Fails When We RUN OUT OF NORTH to Move To...

He recommends Americans go to Canada and Alaska to avoid disasters Like Hurricanes in New Orleans and Wild fires in California. GOOD PLAN, for about TEN Years... and then we simply run out of NORTH when we are all living on the poles... Can't go any further than the North Pole and when that becomes Uninhabitable... Extinction... Hey, maybe he's looking at his own lifespan and making a plan for ten years is excellent when you are OLDER THAN DIRT... We need to get all the Old White Men out of Running the Government and Industry. We have a limited Knowledge Base and CANNOT THINK UP A SOLUTION to problems that we caused... I Know... I am an old white man and... Thinking up NEW ideas simply does not happen to Elderly People... Look at Rock Musicians like Pete Townsend... He hasn't written a song in 30 years... I haven't written a song in sixteen years... I had a really creative period in the 1980s and the early 2000s but the well has gone dry... WE NEED YOUNG PEOPLE TO THINK UP NEW PLANS for solving these problems...  I remember that when I was a kid we drove all over the place just to hear another Grateful Dead Concert... All that driving around CAUSED air pollution that caused Climate Change. NO, It's not the oil companies that are to blame... it's the people buying gas... It's people driving driving driving on vacation and every day to work. What IF we moved the OFFICE Closer to home? Then commuting to work would be shorter. What IF we just filled all those empty shopping malls with light industrial factories?  

What about a Cultural Shift? Car races would be NO LONGER FUN if everyone knew that extinction was caused by driving. Who would want to go to the Daytona 500 or Indianapolis if Cars Were Not Socially HIP? I remember that on Friday and Saturday nights they had car races at the Fairgrounds in the Summer. I could hear them and they sounded like angry bees. Definitely a Bad Sound. AND YET, people were buying tickets to go to the races... ABSURD! The sound is the sound of death. Chainsaws also sound like death. Leaf Blowers sound like death. Motorcycles Sound Like Death. and they all smell like death... Just attach a hose to your car's tailpipe and force the exhaust in thru a window that's rolled down two inches... turn on the engine and sit inside with all the other windows rolled up. That's a standard way to commit suicide. In a larger view... We are All in a closed system... the atmosphere of planet earth is just like the inside of a car with the windows rolled up. We are pumping pollution into the air... Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide... totally fatal if breathed in sufficient quantities... Burning Coal to make electricity releases Fatal Exhaust also. WE NEED TO USE LESS ELECTRICITY until the time when it is all generated by Solar, Wind, Hydro and BIOMASS. Biomass uses waste wood, sawdust to generate electricity... It is important to get rid of that waste somehow... and Biomass power plants are better than putting it in the City Dump. Use less electricity by simply turning the light switch off when leaving the room... Just like your mother taught you... What if we had Motion sensor lights everywhere? Lights come on when people are in the room ONLY. What if we removed HALF of the streetlights? What IF we unplugged all those transformers that power our modems and computers and televisions and phones? Transformers GET WARM even when the machine they are powering is turned off. WARM? WHY? There is A Coil of wire sucking up alternating current all day every day... it's used to convert 110 volts AC to 12 volts DC... But you pay for it on your electric bill even when you are not using it! Computer GEEKS call the Wall Warts. Plug them all into a power strip with a switch and when you are done, flick the damn switch... You Planet Will Thank You...

What IF Amazon, Microsoft or Warren Buffet pays a Billion Dollars to invent a Better Air Conditioner? Everyone wants to be cool in the Summer and Every Air Conditioner Uses a LOT of Power... I read that the Univesity of Singapore is doing groundbreaking research... WHAT IF we behaved Smart? Invest in something Useful? Stop inventing new Drone Bombers... There is no need to find a faster way to kill people. Lockheed, Raytheon and General Atomics are Merchants of Death. NOW, a Raytheon Employee is Acting Secretary of Defense... Wow, Obvious Corruption or WHAT! 

I see TV advertisements for Brand New Giant Trucks and Insurance and... I just laugh... I don't own a car... I'm not going to buy one anytime soon... It makes no difference at all how wonderful the tailgate on a truck is... I don't care, I don't Care, I don't CARE, I JUST DON"T CARE! Limu-EMU? Nope... Not My Bird... 

Trumpnik Steven Miller questions if the Words
on the Statue of Liberty are Valid Anymore.
Maybe they made sense when Irish Peasants
were coming to America but... Now those people
have Brown Skins and Doesn't that change everything? Yes, we welcome immigrants from
White Countries like Slovenia but... People that
don't speak English? NO! Walk South... That's
what CZAR Donald the First Recommends.
CRAZY. What we should be doing is welcoming immigrants and helping them integrate into
American Society. Help the find Jobs and places
to live and teach their Children how to speak
English... The SECOND Generation does very
well in the USA. Witness the Success of the
HMONG and Vietnamese. The Success of the Germans and the Poles. The Italians and the
Puerto Ricans...   
Green New Dead - FREE COLORING BOOK ART by gvan42
Green New Deal 
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