Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Biden=306, Trump=232 Electoral College. Joe Biden Wins 2020 Election by a Landslide. NEXT: #ArrestTrump for Income Tax Evasion, Insurance Fraud and Campaign Finance Violations...

We Have Enough Evidence to Charge Trump With Crimes... He SHOULD Get A Fair Trial! With a Jury, Witnesses and a Judge... Just Like a Real Boy! 

Check from Donald J Trump - Individual 1 to Michael Cohen for a Hush Money Payoff to Stormy Daniels
Check from Donald J Trump - Individual 1 
to Michael Cohen for a Hush Money Payoff to Stormy Daniels.

#ArrestTrump MEME - Biden as a Big Cat, Trump as a Zebra - by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
#ArrestTrump MEME
Biden as a Big Cat, Trump as a Zebra 
by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges, including a campaign finance violation for Daniels' payment in August 2018. He stated under oath that he paid her "in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office."

Trump is Going through the five stages of grief — anger, denial, bargaining, depression and acceptance — as featured in the stand-up routine by Lenny Bruce... In the Movie "All That Jazz" Bob Fosse had been editing this Film and as he gets closer to death, his dream sequences become more and more hallucinatory.

The Film of Lenny Bruce's Monologue...

The Big Song and Dance Routine at The End of the Movie...

Bye, Bye Life! Bye, Bye Happiness... Hello Emptiness, I Think I'm Gonna Die! Bye, Bye My Life Goodbye!

The Lady who wrote On Death and Dying...

Where she explains the Five Stages of Grief...

#ArrestTrump Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

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