Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Have Been Banished from Facebook for Posting a Photo of Trump and Osama bin Laden Standing Together in Suits. Banned for 24 Hours by the Thought Police!

Whatever You DO... Do NOT Post a Fake Photo of Trump and Osama bin Laden on Facebook! They Will Prevent You From Posting... They allow you to READ Facebook but NO WRITING!... 

MEME: Go to the White House and  BLOW A WHISTLE! Protest March at the White House - by gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan
Go to the White House and

Fact Check: Truth behind viral picture of Donald Trump greeting Osama Bin Laden

A picture, purportedly showing United States President Donald Trump in his younger days, shaking hands with global terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden, is going viral on social media.

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#thoughtControl #freedom #liberty #brainPolice #1984 #revolt #France1789 #brainWashing #MKULTRA #Zucked #FBI #CIA #NSA #Whistleblower #AntiTrump
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Great Book: "Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe" by Roger McNamee. Alternatives Exist! Gab, Blogger, Minds, Ello, Mastodon, Tumblr, Pinterest, DeviantArt, reddit, and Wordpress...

The New York Times bestseller about a noted tech venture capitalist, early mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, and Facebook investor, who wakes up to the serious damage Facebook is doing to our society - and sets out to try to stop it. 

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 In general I have stopped READING Facebook and Twitter... Often People Publish Ideas that make me Angry... I refuse to allow Brainwashed TrumpNiks to invade my Mind with their Hate Speech... Twitter has been infested with Russian Bots and Mad King Donald. I certainly do not need to read any of their Propaganda... and Lies... and my life is better for not reading that garbage.

I  use all these platforms to publish my Artwork and Words... 

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