Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Coronavirus is An ACT OF GOD. It's His Mighty Vengeance for Trump's Adultery... Break a Commandment, Get a Plague... It's Just Like The Bible says... REPENT! The End Times Are Here!

MEME - Trump Adulterer - Moses is Angry - Break a Commandment, Get a Plague. - gvan42
Trump the Adulterer - Moses is Angry
Break a Commandment, Get a Plague.
MEME - This is a Sign! Absurdist Street Theater or Biblical End Times Warning? - gvan42
This is a Sign!
Absurdist Street Theater
or Biblical End Times Warning?

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word! Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE! If You Cannot Come To Washington DC, Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.

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