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Hey Kids: BLOCK FOX NEWS ON THE REMOTE So Your Grandparents Can't Watch Hate Speech... It Causes High Blood Pressure. Endangering Old People... Possible STROKE Due to Anger That You Can't DO Anything About.

Health Hint! Avoid unnecessary stress. Instead of watching hour after hour of angry, politically biased opinion shows, pushing agendas that may harm you on many levels, simply switch to normal, nonpolitical news. It’s your health, your life. The election’s over; now is the perfect time to quit.

Just say no to anger.

Example of the Hate Speech They Pour into Your Brain... 
Fox News apologizes after guest calls teen climate activist Greta Thunberg "mentally ill"

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Their Marketing Plan is to Appeal to the Lizard-Brain in Us. When we were Living in Caves... People Shouted "Danger-Danger" Saber Tooth Tiger Approaching... and those of us who BECAME ALERT survived... and those people are our Ancestors... Fox News Uses that as a Marketing Plan... Hate Speech for Profit! They are USING Your Fight or Flight Response to Sell Advertising Time...
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MEME - Trump Has Captured the NAZI Vote. gvan42

Mike Kirchubel, Newspaper Columnest Says: 

I have frequently observed that many Fox shows have angry hosts and guests. Curiously, most seem to be mad about something President Barack Obama or the Democrats did, or might do, or didn’t do, or won’t do and the inevitable catastrophic consequences to America. A lot of Fox watchers get mad, too; right-wingers get mad right along with the hosts and guests, and left-wingers get mad AT the hosts and guests.

That anger appears to be part of the Fox News attraction.

Fox’s sensationalistic, tabloid style seems to “hook” its audience; like nicotine in cigarettes. Many viewers think they are being told horrible truths that other news outlets wouldn’t dare tell, and they may be right, except for that “truth” part. As we’ve seen over the past two weeks, many of their angry, hard-hitting stories and theories magically poof into clouds of sparkly pixie dust when exposed to light. How did you feel when you discovered you wasted all that anger, last year? Angry?

Why care if Fox watchers get angry?

Well, anger can be harmful. I’m not talking about your occasional Fox fanatic burning down a mosque, killing innocents or being shot by police; no, I’m talking about you, typical Fairfield Fox fan. These frequent and prolonged doses of anger show after show, day after day, year after year, can be harmful to your health.

When you experience anger, your body is flooded with the stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. These chemicals trigger your “fight or flight” response, increasing your heart rate and blood pressure and quickly shunting more blood to your muscles for immediate action. When you just sit on your couch in front of your TV, instead of fighting or flighting, these continual doses of stress chemicals floating around in your bloodstream can lead to serious health problems. Besides high blood pressure, they can cause strokes, heart disease, headaches, depression, anxiety, digestive problems, obesity, insomnia, a suppressed immune system and eventually, death.

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