Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Remember Going with some Homeless People to the FREE BUFFET at the Hilton near Capital Hill in Washington DC. If You Bought a Drink from the Waiter, Dressed in Clean Clothes and you were White... They Let you eat enough to survive for One Day... It was all you could eat...

With MANY fancy hotels there it was a practical alternative to Working for a Living... and then at Night the Fancy Catering Companies would pull up their Purple Trucks and Unload Leftovers from Embassy/Corporate Parties in Lafayette Park Right across from the White House... This basic plan works in Many Cities... I ate well in San Jose, California at the Buffalo Wings Happy Hour in the Bars Downtown... Read More in the Classic: Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman... Not to be confused with Albert Hofmann...

A Complete Tapping Session... One Hour of Self Help.

Sonya Sophia. 

What IF a Waiter Secretly Placed Marijuana Infused Foods on the Buffet Table at a Republicrime Watering Hole? We used to dine at the Hilton near Capitol Hill in Washington DC and there were many "SUITS" eating there... Would they have an AWAKENING and select to stop doing evil?

Thousands of People are employed as Lobbyists for Corporations and their main task is to Increase Profits by getting Tax Loopholes, Winning Government Contracts and Removing Environmental Protection Laws. We have seen Corporations that Pollute decrease their waste disposal costs by simply dumping their toxic waste right into the river, LEGALLY... People downstream get sick and die but the Corporations Increase Profits.

Many people near Washington DC work as Defense Contractors designing and building equipment for the Pentagon. Of Course, the US Military has not Defended the Country since 1945. Every war since then has been our decision to take sides in other countries troubles. Only ONCE has anyone attacked the USA since 1945. On 9/11/2001 CIVILIANS DEFENDED THE COUNTRY and the Military Failed Totally. SO... If People that work for the Military ate a COOKIE, would they have a REVELATION that they were wasting their lives? Doing EVIL? Would they simply Go get a job that made the world a better place to live? 

MEME - Legalize Cannabis Nationwide says George Washington

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"Better Living Thru Chemistry" - DuPont Slogan

JUST LIKE A TRUMP RALLY: The Two Minutes Hate, from George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, is a daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies (notably Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers) and express their hatred for them for exactly two minutes.

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