Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump's new Attorney General Faces OVERWHELMING REJECTION by US Citizens. Throw Him OUT! Says We the People.
Appointment is Unconstitutional and Illegal says Lawyers...

‘All we want is a fair investigation’ — Utahns rally against Trump’s firing of A.G. Jeff Sessions and what it could mean for FBI probe into Russian collusion

Echelon Keyword Data: NSA, CIA, USA, EIEIO, LSD, MDMA, MOMA, REDRUM, attorney, citizens, firing, general, investigation, March, Millions, Mueller, protest, Russia, Sessions, streets, Bite My Shiny Metal Ass. 

What IS Echelon Keyword Data? Echelon is a USA Spying Program that gathers huge volumes of data indiscriminately, and then filters out useful information through artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The system is also said to involve voice recognition, language translation, and keyword searching to select messages to study in their entirety.  

and here is what people are searching for on Google. The Worlds Largest Surveillance Machine... They know your search history from the beginning of time. 

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