Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump Voters are Killing Themselves in Record Numbers. What Can We Do To Help? Find Out How... Click Here.

Suicide, Drug Overdoses, Alcoholism... These are the Deaths of Despair that are Wiping Out Middle Aged White People Without a College Education... Since the Quality of Life Has Declined Since Trump Was Elected, People Who Voted For Trump Are Experiencing a Feeling of Betrayal and Disappointment... With Trump's Trade War Harming Farmers and Factory Workers, It Seems Like There is No Hope For The Future...

But There IS HOPE!

1. Take a Student Loan from The Federal Government.
2. Go To College and Learn a Sellable Skill like Nursing or Computer Science.
3. Get a High Pay Job and Enjoy Life.

Then Join the Democratic Party and Elect Leaders That Pass Laws That Benefit The American People... Just Like The Majority of the Voters Did in 2016 and 2018... Yes, Clinton Got More Votes Than Trump... and the Democrats had an OVERWHELMING VICTORY in The Midterms. +40 House Seats +7 Governors -1 Senate = FORTY SIX (46) More Democrats Elected. Wild Cheering!

Trump and His Republicrimes Passed a Tax Cut For The Rich Law that Benefits Himself and His Super Rich Friends... Dramatically Increasing the National Debt... and It Will Be Paid For By Your Children... and Grand Children... and Great Grand Children on to the Seventh Generation.

Do NOT Let The Republicrimes Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits.

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