Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Places I want to visit: 1. Red Rocks Concert Venue in Colorado. 2. Chichen Itza Pyramid on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and 3. the Very Large Array of Radio Telescopes in New Mexico...

It's VERY unlikely that I will visit Colorado because the elevation is too high for me to visit safely. My Father's Business Partner Died on Vacation in Mexico City due to a heart attack caused by elevation. 

It's VERY Unlikely that I will visit Mexico because of the Banditos... I would be afraid of being robbed... and I don't speak Spanish... 

However, the Very Large Array is entirely possible. I saw it in the Movie CONTACT and it looks interesting... and Looking at the Stars at Night in the desert must be wonderful... just lying on my back and looking with my unaided vision... 

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