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Pentagon: "It's Time. We Must Jam the 'Demonic, Destructive Suction Tube' Nothing much has changed in 50 years. This tube is still sucking resources and spewing fear. And it still owns the media."

“Will the new House Democrats 
take on the war lobby?”
This question is the headline of a Common Dreams op-ed by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies earlier this week, and it touches the furious heart of who we are. I would put it this way: As long as 60 percent or so of our discretionary spending is diverted to militarism; as long as there is no official acknowledgment of the horrific and pointless hell our wars have created, with no benefits even to our “national interests”; as long as we refuse to face our own history of genocidal behavior and our addiction to “conquest” . . . we will not change, we will not grow, we will not survive.

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