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Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty: Lying to Congress. Who ELSE Lied? Are Junior, Eric, Ivanka and Jared Facing JAIL TIME? Inquiring Minds Want To Know...

CHANT: LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP, LOCK 'EM UP... Coming in January, 2019 the House of Representatives will be Releasing TRANSCRIPTS of Committee Hearings investigating the TRUMP/RUSSIA Conspiracy... Currently Deven Nunes has Hidden these transcripts and will NOT allow Robert Mueller to See them... What are They Hiding?

After the Midterms, Robert Mueller’s Got a New Wingman on Capitol Hill... Adam Schiff. 

President Trump is back to threatening the special counsel’s “witch hunt,” but he hasn’t reckoned with Adam Schiff and the Democratic House.

lock them up eric junior ivanka jared guilty lying to congress trump family conspiracy know collusion gvan42
Know Collusion 

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