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In Poland, local movements are challenging the nation’s addiction to coal. Just Like they are Doing in Germany... Poland is the Second Largest Coal Mining Country after Germany.
A climate activist wears a mask with the word “Coal” struck-through in Polish as hundreds of environmentalists march to campaign against global warming, in Warsaw, Poland. 

Ending Poland’s dependency on this climate-disastrous industry will not be easy. The ruling nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS) government, which has been in power since 2015, almost considers coal-mining a patriotic duty that promotes sovereignty from Russian energy sources, and it has resisted EU-wide anti-coal climate legislation. Similarly, Poland has faced disciplinary measures from the EU about its anti-democratic judicial reforms. This makes the citizens’ assembly in Gdansk all the more remarkable in the way that it deals with climate change through a democratic innovation.

Read More About European Anti-Coal Protest... Germany...

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