Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I don't know IF it is Possible to Stop Climate Change BUT... we might as well TRY. I think we all should DRIVE CARS LESS and FLY IN JET AIRPLANES LESS.

It's the BURNING of Fossil Fuel that Scientists Claim is Causing Climate Change. Not Entirely Exxon's fault... It's MY FAULT for Buying their Gasoline. The first thing I did when I retired was DRIVE 4,000 miles and toured Washington State, Oregon, California, Nevada and Utah. Maybe that wasn't the best Idea... Sorry...

The MAIN reason people drive is Commuting to work. Next time you change jobs, consider distance to the office as a MAJOR FACTOR. If you drive an Hour to work, that changes an eight hour day to a ten hour day... and those two hours are a TOTAL WASTE OF YOUR LIFE. I know, I did it for DECADES.

A couple of times I was fortunate enough to be able to Ride the Bus... and that was Fantastic.

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