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Great Book: The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies by Michael V. Hayden. Head of the NSA and the CIA. (Retired)

An obviously Brilliant man. He just understands the World Better than almost everyone. EXCEPT... I watched him on Book TV and They have a Question and Answer section with the people from the audience... a person asked: Has the USA interfered in other country's elections like the Russians did in 2016? He answered Yes, Spain and Italy. In order to create a more level playing field... to counteract Russian Meddling...

and then I shouted "Bullsh*t" and Changed the channel... He failed to Mention The USA interfering in elections... and installing as President... The Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein in Iraq. And The Vietnam War, The Wars in Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Chile, Afghanistan and countless countries in Africa and Asia... Banana Republics... The CIA and United Fruit Corporation... Iran/Contra...

All those wars were about The USA Interfering in another Country's Elections and installing our own Dictators in places that do not have Elections. 

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