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Failed Nuclear Power Plant Costs Utility Company $2 Billion. Helps Bankrupt Westinghouse Corporation. Did You Ever Wonder Why the Sun Works?

Troubled utility SCANA has reached a $2 billion settlement with the South Carolina customers who sued after they were charged high rates to pay for the company's failed nuclear construction project.

Santee Cooper and South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. abandoned the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station expansion project near Columbia in 2017 following the bankruptcy of lead contractor Westinghouse.

The settlement included no admission of guilt or blame from SCANA. The company consistently has deflected blame for the project’s failure to lead contractor Westinghouse for declaring bankruptcy in March 2017 and state-owned minority partner Santee Cooper for unilaterally pulling out of the construction effort on July 31, 2017. 

The projects responsible for this loss are mostly the construction of four AP1000 reactors at Vogtle in Georgia and V. C. Summer in South Carolina. Westinghouse filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on March 29, 2017. In 2018,Westinghouse was acquired by Brookfield Business Partners and some partners.

Westinghouse Electric Company - Wikipedia

Here is what Westinghouse says about the benefits of Nuclear Power. They Fail to mention that it Bankrupted the Company... They Fail to mention that Nukes Create Atomic Waste that has to be Stored Safely for THOUSANDS of years...

Did you ever wonder Why the Sun Works? It's a Fusion Reactor that combines Hydrogen atoms to become Helium. AND there is more MATTER in the Hydrogen than in the Helium... and that MATTER is converted into energy... E=MC2... or maybe it's GOD... He does AMAZING Things...

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