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Chant: "COUNT ALL THE VOTES! COUNT ALL THE VOTES! COUNT ALL THE VOTES!" - US Citizens Fight For Democracy... Oppose Trump's Election Fraud Attempt.

Democrats Fight to Count All the Votes.

A lot has happened in the midterm elections since the networks shut down their live coverage. It’s time for an update.
The count now stands at Republicans 51 seats and Democrats 46. That leaves three races undecided. Yesterday Democrat Kyrsten Sinema took the lead over Republican Martha McSally. There could be a lot of votes left to count.
The Arizona Republic estimates that more than 600,000 votes have yet to be counted statewide — including 90,000 in blue-leaning Pima County and 472,000 (!) in Maricopa County (the Phoenix area). Maricopa has some very blue corners and some very red corners, so without knowing where the outstanding ballots are coming from, this is a totally wide-open race.
The Florida senate race between incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Rick Scott has qualified for a recount under state law, with the latest numbers showing a 15,000 vote lead (.22 percent) for Scott. Last night the governor held a news conference in which he announced that he is “both filing lawsuits to stop the vote counting in South Florida and using his police powers as governor to do so.” In other words, things are about to get very ugly once again in Florida.

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