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Advertising in School Textbooks. As a way to reduce costs in Classrooms, Textbooks now have ads... promoting Corporate Ideas. Including the TEXT of the Book itself.

That's what's happening Now in Schools... Concepts that Advertisers LIKE Get Promoted. Corporate Brainwashing... 

Just Like Corporate Television News Shows. I have noticed that MSNBC and FOX NEWS have a marketing plan to attract more Viewers. MSNBC tells HATE TRUMP news stories. Fox News Tells LOVE TRUMP news Stories.  MSNBC tells that all Trump's actions are bad. Even when he does something good. And Fox News is the exact opposite... 

Well, now textbooks have corporate sponsors... who are telling textbook WRITERS what to say.

"Textbook prices are soaring into the hundreds of dollars, but in some courses this fall, students won’t pay a dime. The catch: Their textbooks will have ads for companies including FedEx Kinko’s and Pura Vida coffee.
Selling ad space keeps newspapers, magazines, Web sites and television either cheap or free." 

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