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Trump Voters Say: "Our Glorious Leader Can Do No Wrong... Even When He Does Wrong, He Does No Wrong!" - Brainwashing Cult? AWAKEN!

Futurama" Love the Tentacle...

Here’s what Netflix’s Wild Wild Country doesn’t explain about cult leaders... An expert discusses how they seduce and control their followers... 

Hey, TrumpNiks! How to Escape from a Brainwashing Cult BEFORE You Drink the Cyanide Kool Aid... Could Save Your Life! ---> Step ONE: NOTICE REALITY <---

Look, There is the Floor, and There is a Door, and There You Go Opening the Door and Walking Outside... Oh My God, There is a Whole World Out Here! Look at THAT! It's a TREE! and It's Not on TV! Whee!

Fox News Cannot Program Your Brain if You Are Outdoors Taking a Walk in Nature... BUT, Suppose You Live in the City... Escape! Go Find a Tree and Enjoy the Oneness of Life... Realize that We are all Brothers and Sisters... We are Kin to Dogs, Cats, Turtles, Trees, Mushrooms, Cows and Maybe Even Mosquitoes! It's ALL one Family... and it makes TOTAL SENSE to Protect Animals And Plants with the Endangered Species Act that Nixon Wrote Years Ago When Republicans HAD A CLUE... Before Mad King Donald... He Wants to Kill All the Bald Eagles... What a Sicko... The 25th Amendment Allows The USA to Remove a President if He CANNOT Perform His Duties... Well, Trump Is INSANE! How is it Possible that we do NOT SEE His Madness? He is Destroying America. 

Step TWO: Vote for Democrats. We are In Favor of Good and Opposed to Evil. 

Remember: Believing Lies is Not a Great Way to Live... I see Little Stevie Munchkin (Treasury Secretary) on the TV Saying That Everything is Wonderful... and Larry Kudlow agrees! They Say that Trump Did Not CAUSE The Stock Market to Crash on Friday by Tweeting... It was Just an AMAZING COINCIDENCE That Right after Trump Tweeted, the Stock Market Lost 623 Points. Who Knows Why? We Do Know that Trump says... "It's Not My Fault. Blame Someone Else." Maybe Illegal Aliens from URANUS! That's IT! The Trouble is Caused by Illegal Aliens from URANUS! 

Notice Reality MEME - Swirling Psychedelic Graphics an a Sassy Man! Poking FUN at Brainwashed TrumpNiks - Remember: Believing Lies is Not a Great Way to Live... gvan42

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