
This illustration reminds me of the science diagrams of a Hydrogen Atom. See, one electron rotating around the center... Just for laughs, the wingdings at the bottom of the drawing say: Journey into Quark Land, a brainsplice production.
~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~
Top Secret: password=Weird420 userid=Shroom420
Tired of the government spying on you? Create a PRE-hacked free email account at the public library and publish your userid/password on many groups, blogs...
Then, when your account is being used by total strangers you can say with plausable deniability that you didn't send that email, it was one of those wierdos overseas. Not my fault!
Let's suppose you emailed a friend with a message you don't want to be traced back to you... well, SOMEONE set up an email account at the library and signed in as John Smith... who? Not me!
I have not tried this technique... Not ME! I can recommend that you use a common free email service like hotmail or gmail... not care2, they are nice people and I wouldn't want them investigated by the government... When you set up your account use a fake name and fake biographical data... For example: Ed Abbey, the author of "The Monkeywrench Gang" would be honored to be of service...
actually, the post above is really more of a JOKE than a practical method of sending secure email...