Make Earth Great Again - embroidered slogan hat for sale... T-shirts and a button with the picture of the Whole Earth From space! and Links to All my Buttons and Christmas Ornament...


Make Earth Great Again - embroidered slogan hat for sale...

Why limit greatness to just one country?

Make Earth Great Again - embroidered slogan hat for sale... And the button with the picture of the Earth... From space!

Make Earth Great Again - embroidered slogan hat for sale... T-shirts And a button with the picture of the Whole Earth... From space!

If you're familiar with the metric system, Mega is a multiplier like Kilo or Nano... It's also the acronym for "make earth great again"

My most popular buttons at Zazzle Gregvan

Three popular buttons - Zazzle Gregvan

Buttons for sale with Slogans or Cosmic Art or Both!
On Many, You May Change the Words of the Slogan!

in other news:
Tim Walz came to Sacramento yesterday but they kept the location secret... Except the airport Landing... I find out today that he went to governor Newsom's private residence... What I find interesting is that his wife, the Beautiful Jennifer Siebel lives there too... I'd love to meet her in person... Just because I like meeting beautiful women... It's a hobby of mine... Some people collect coins, some people collect postage stamps... ME?

Button for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Button for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Psychedelic art button - mirror fun

Quad mirror fun - kaleidoscope button

I remember drawing while listening to Led Zeppelin "Whole Lotta Love" on headphones... They really do a lot of swish Swoosh back and forth left right front back Madness... And it's pretty good to sketch abstract art because sometimes you have to move really quick and sometimes you go really slow and it's a wonderful way to spend an afternoon in the library...

Astronomers say that the red shift shows that all of the stars in the universe are moving away from me... Because I'm the center of the universe... Duh... What's amazing is that you are also the center of the universe... The red shift proves it!

What is the meaning of the song Quinn the Eskimo by Bob Dylan?
AI Answer: ( here is an example of why AI just sucks... The meaning of a Bob Dylan song is something to be contemplated for decades and may change as you grow older... The AI bot really misses the boat this time... No mention of Quinn as a drug dealer who sells LSD... "everybody's gonna want a dose")

"Quinn the Eskimo" by Bob Dylan is widely interpreted as a whimsical, almost nonsensical song about a character named Quinn who embodies a laid-back, carefree attitude, refusing to rush or conform to the pressures of everyday life, essentially representing a desire to live life on one's own terms, with the "Eskimo" aspect possibly referencing a connection to a simpler, more natural way of living; the song's meaning largely lies in its playful, nonsensical lyrics rather than a deep, concrete story.

Key points about the song's meaning:
The character Quinn:
Represents someone who avoids hustle and bustle, preferring a relaxed approach to life, "jumping queues" and "making haste" aren't his style.

"Eskimo" association:
May signify a connection to a more primitive, natural lifestyle, although Dylan himself has stated the song is not meant to be taken literally regarding the Arctic.

No deep narrative:
Many believe the song is simply a playful string of words with a catchy melody, with the focus on the sound and rhythm rather than a specific story.

Possible inspiration for the name "Quinn":
Actor Anthony Quinn: Some believe the name could be a reference to actor Anthony Quinn who played an Eskimo character in the 1960 film "The Savage Innocents".

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And then I read on Faceborg:  

Bob Doran

The other day we got a call from our insurance company, telling us that an inspector will be coming by our place to take some pictures and examine our house.
The inspector was a nice enough guy, he took some pics with his phone camera, poked around under our sinks and examined our water heaters and washer and dryer. He didn’t ask too many questions and he thought there was no problems he could see. That’s what he said anyway.
So we weren’t worried — until today when we got a letter telling us that our insurance company says we need to fix things at our house.
“Due to the worn condition of the roof on the home and detached shed [the garage] we require that the roof of the home and detached shed are fully replaced.
Remove the peeling paint on the side of the shed have it repainted.
Peeling paint on the fascia on the left side and have it repainted.
Cut back all overgrown vegetation touching the sides of the home.”
All of the work must be done by Dec. 17.
“Failure to take action increases the hazard of the risk on your property and, as a result, the policy may be canceled or non-renewed.”
Here’s the deal. We already started having the paint job redone, we’ve had a painter friend finish two sides and that cost us several thousand dollars. We have plans to have him finish painting the rest of the house, but part of that involves replacing the deteriorating L-P siding on the mother-in-law unit.
The roof is another matter all together. It’s not leaking and we realize that it will eventually need to be replaced, but we’re not really ready right now. We just don’t have the money. What’s that going to cost? How many thousands? Our garage needs a paint job and a new roof too, but at what cost?
We pay a hefty insurance bill with Hartford, who according to our agent were the only company that will insure our house with a pier and beam foundation. Am I going to find another company that will take our risk?
My painter friend reminded me of the quote from the Simpsons episode "Hurricane Neddy" where Marge Simpson reassured Maude Flanders saying, “I'm sure your insurance will cover the house.” Maude replies,” Uh, well, no. Neddy doesn't believe in insurance. He considers it a form of gambling.”
We don’t like to gamble and want to feel secure that if something happens like a fire, we can recover. We can’t get earthquake insurance with our lack of a solid foundation, but that’s not the case here.
It seems like all of the insurance outfits are pulling out of California entirely, in part because of the negligence of PG&E that led to Paradise burning like Hell.
At any rate, we’re wondering what to do. Any insurance agent friends are invited to dm me. And I’m curious whether anyone else is facing similar challenges. Let me know.

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