Trump's Corrupt Supreme Court is EVIL... Joe Biden Announced That He's Gonna DO SOMETHING to FIX the PROBLEM! Way To Go! JOE!

Democrats May Have a Real Chance to Reform the Supreme Court.

Biden’s reversal signals a growing consensus in the party.

The summer of reversals for President Joe Biden continued in dramatic form on Monday as he announced that he now supports sweeping Supreme Court reform. In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Biden pushed 18-year term limits and a binding ethics code on Supreme Court justices — after a long career spent opposing such measures — as well as a constitutional amendment overturning the court’s recent decision granting presidents immunity from criminal prosecution...

Let's Expand The Corrupt Supreme Court to 13 by Adding Four SANE Judges... Currently it's Packed With MAGA MORONS...
Hey Joe! Let's Expand The Corrupt Supreme Court to 13 by Adding Four SANE Judges...

for Shark Week, Let's Dump Trump 
in the Middle of the Bermuda Triangle!
We Can Watch Him SWIM Home!

for Shark Week Let's Dump Trump in the Middle of the Bermuda Triangle!

The Former Guy - COPYCAT

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