Pro Palestine College Students are VERY STUPID... They Forget October 7th, 2023 When Islamic Terrorists Murdered 1,200 People in Israel. STARTING A WAR. Israel's Revenge has Killed Over 40,000 People in Gaza... WHAT'S THE LESSON? DO NOT START A WAR...

I Believe there are Bad People on Both Sides of the Israel/Gaza War. Tell Joe Biden to STOP Sending US Taxpayer Dollars to Israel! Because they Just Use That Money to Buy Bombs, Guns, Bullets and MORE DEATH...

He Won't Know What You Think Unless You Tell Him!

I Believe there are Bad People on Both Sides of the Israel/Gaza War. Tell Joe Biden to STOP Sending US Taxpayer Dollars to Israel!

NET&YAHOO! is an Obvious Madman because his Revenge Killing is Now Over 7,000 People! The Hamas Soldiers that Murdered 1,200 People for DANCING at a Techno Pop Festival on October 7th are Lunatics Also... I'm Comfortable that Those Crazy People Over There are Killing Each Other... They Ought to Stop but... It's Unlikely that they will... 

ENDLESS WAR IS POINTLESS... But Profitable for "Defense" Businesses!

What Really Bothers Me is People With Guns IN The USA...  

NRA Skull meme

and Now for something Completely Different...

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The Cosmic Eye - FREE Clipart - New Art Added Today! - and Decorated Merchandise for Sale on Zazzle Gregvan - over Two Dozen FREE IMAGES! Have Fun!
Cosmic Eye - Free Clipart by gvan42 - go ahead and pirate this art, use it for any purpose Click Here to Buy the Cosmic Eye Christmas Orn...

Republican Plan A: Shoot Themselves in the Foot, Blame Democrats. Plan B: Pee in their Own Canteen... Then... CROWN TRUMP KING!
Here are the Details of their Plan. No Money for War. Let's Keep the US House SHUT DOWN for 25 More Days! BIDEN Cannot Spend a Penny fo...

I Oppose Sending Any Money to Israel and I Oppose Cutting IRS Budget. Mike Johnson's Bill in the US House of Representatives.
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FREE COLORING BOOK: Print The Drawings and Color Using Felt Pens, Pencils or Crayons... Make as Many Copies as You Like... Even More Art at Google Image Search = gvan42 Art
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UFOs Are Real - The US Navy Film is Absolute Proof... and The Phoenix Lights Were Seen by Thousands... Including the Governor. --- and--- The 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident...
Real UFO Film by the US Navy. We All Ought To Live More Like Star Trek. Many Different Races...

I See a Lot of Mockery of Belief in GOD on FaceBorg. Yes, The #RUNAWAY Movement is Gathering Momentum but... I Think That The AI Algorithm Has Determined that I Am an Atheist and Serves me MORE of What I Like. I also see Content about Ecology, San Jose, The Grateful Dead, The Democratic Party and Half Naked Women...
In My Humble Opinion Religion Really SUXX - I Collected a LOT of Anti-Jesus Memes... Allah, Buddha, KRSNA and Flying Spaghetti Monster Satir...

NO USA Money for Israel or Ukraine. NO US Soldiers to Fight Other People's Wars. If Those People Over There Want To Kill Each Other, OK... I'm Comfortable With That. I Believe there are Bad People on Both Sides.
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meme - Trump Treason - gvan42

Will the Corrupt Supreme Court Rule that CRIME IS LEGAL for Trump? Question: Would Total Presidential Immunity Allow Biden to Murder Trump LEGALLY?

Remember: The Reason Ford Pardoned Nixon was to Prevent Nixon's Arrest for Crimes Committed While President. 


I'm Glad the USA is Bombing Yemen. Crazy Islamic Terrorists are Trying to Sink Cargo Ships passing by... WHY? Are they Sad that Cargo Ships Never Stop and Unload in YEMEN? Jealous?

Everybody SING! Just Like That Old Beach Boys Song...

Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN
Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN
Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN
Oh Bomb Iran... Yes Bomb Iran...
Ya Got Me Rocking and a Rolling...
Rocking and a Reeling... BOMB IRAN!
Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN
Original Video...

and Don't Forget to BOMB YEMEN! The Hooties Have been Behaving Crazy... but We Ought to Forgive the Blowfish... It's not Really Their Fault!

We have been having a LOT of Problems with Islamic Terrorists... Perhaps the Best solution would be to

US launches strikes in Iraq and Syria...

Hey Terrorist! Ever think about WAKING THE F*CK UP? Try Reality for One Week... If You don't Like it, You can Go Back to CrazyTalk® 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Rethinking Genocide: Good or Bad? With Eight Billion People on Earth... Isn't Everything that Reduces the Population a Blessing?

War, Earthquakes, Floods, Starvation, Disease, Guns, Fentanyl... all help keep the total population from increasing... You may think this is CrazyTalk® but, at what Point will there be too many People? 10 Billion People? 15 Billion People??? 20 Billion People??? 100 Billion People????????

Currently, People in Israel and Gaza are Killing each Other... Thank You! At the End of the Day, There are FEWER PEOPLE... Excellent! Keep on Killing Each Other!

and I Understand the GUN NUTS... Killing Americans is an Excellent Way to reduce the Population... especially Since SUICIDE is the Number One Cause of Gunshot Death...

We Certainly Don't need
people like that in the Future...

While I was sitting in a Field, watching the Sun Rise, High on LSD, I Experienced True Enlightenment... Later It faded away but I'm Glad I did that for a Brief Moment... SOME of the Lessons stayed with Me... ONE: I ought to Do Things to Help People every day... TWO: I ought to Make the World a Better Place to Live for Everyone... THREE: I ought to have Some fun... do interesting things... FOUR: Teach Others... and Maybe everyone can Make the World a Better Place to Live... FIVE: Fight Evil and Evil People... Like Trump... MORE TO COME!