How to IMPEACH THE CORRUPT SCOTUS - Take Action Now! Contact Your Representative in the US House. They Have the Authority to Throw OUT the Evil Freaks!

Has a Supreme Court Justice Ever Been Impeached? YES! Yes They Have!

Soon the Corrupt Supreme Court Will decide IF AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION EXIST or can Trump Wave a Magic Wand and Make Crime Legal for Him! POOF! 14th Amendment GONE!

I Wonder...
Are the Corrupt Supreme Court Justices In Danger? It's a Lifetime Appointment but... How Long is a Lifetime? Just Asking the Obvious Question...

"The Future's Uncertain and the End is Always Near..." - Jim Morrison

Someone in Law Enforcement ought to put a LOT of Effort into Protecting these People...

I Remember JFK, MLK, RFK, Gandhi and John Lennon and DO NOT believe that Assassination is the Best Path Forward for the USA...

We need to EDUCATE these Corrupt Justices and Have them UNDERSTAND the EVIL DEEDS That They Do... and Start Working in Favor of the American People...

Impeach the SCOTUS Hats, Stickers and Buttons For Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - Click Here!

Link to the Main Page at My Webstore:

Right NOW they are BRAINWASHED TrumpNiks® but I Believe That They Can WAKE THE F*CK UP!

While their Rulings Have Angered The Vast Majority of Americans, the REAL EVIL was done by tRUMP... He Appointed Three of these Slimeballs... and Is SO PROUD that they Overturned Roe v Wade... "I DID THAT!" says tRUMP...

SO... Everyone Must Work to Beat tRUMP Again!
Donate Money to Democratic Candidates... and If You Can't do That... Share MEMEs on Social Media... and Talk In Person to Your BRAINWASHED Friends and Family... Remind Them that tRUMP was a Disaster for America and If He Wins Again... it's very Likely that he will Cause GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE... and Billions of People Will Starve to Death...

I just wrote to My Representative in the House and Said: "Did you know that You have the Authority to IMPEACH THE CORRUPT SCOTUS? It's obvious that they are taking BRIBES... and Soon the Corrupt Supreme Court Will decide IF AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION EXIST or can Trump Wave a Magic Wand and Make Crime Legal for Him! POOF! 14th Amendment GONE! 2nd Amendment GONE! GET BUSY and throw 'em OUT!"

Headline: ‘Unprecedented, stunning, disgusting’: Clarence Thomas condemned over billionaire gifts...
Calls for the supreme court justice to resign grow as new details of 38 more undeclared gifts and vacations from rich donors emerge...
ProPublica published new details of his acceptance of undeclared gifts including 38 vacations and expensive sports tickets.

Clarence Thomas’ misconduct has gone from shameful to absurd:

It is essential that the Colorado decision does not come to represent the creative and design field at large... 

In Other News...

EVIL PEOPLE GETTING PUNISHED... My Pillow Guy LOSES! Has to Pay $5 Million... But He Doesn't HAVE $5 Million...

List of Fox News Lawsuits...

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PAY ATTENTION to history.All you have to do is look back to Germany in the 1920s and 30s to understand what's going on here right now. Remember Hitler made many attempts before he got to where he was. He started out with thugs on the street and small groups and then grew from there.Just like the Marjorie Taylor greens, Hitler was able to win seats with crazy people like that here and there until he built up enough people in the government.Trump fans will never recognize a Muslim, gay, black or any other citizen that's not white heterosexual and Christian as a true patriot...EQUAL CITIZEN.Just remember that the proud boys and the neo-nazis and all the rest of those white supremacist and white nationalist support Donald Trump and the Republicans not the Democrats and Joe Biden.