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Will Republicans Cause Global Economic Collapse this Summer? If the US Government Defaults on the National Debt THAT WILL Cause the End of Civilization. Billions of People Will Starve to Death...

Bubble UP Economics meme by gvan42

The summer of 2011 in Washington, D.C., was scorching hot. Republicans had taken control of the House of Representatives that January and their No. 1 priority was to rein in spending after the federal debt hit a record. They demanded that the Democratic president work with them to stop the federal government’s “money printing.” 
Looks like the summer of 2023 will sizzle with the same kind of heat. House Republicans are again newly in the majority and are determined to reach an agreement with a Democratic president to reduce spending before they vote to raise the federal borrowing limit. Doomsday scenarios abound now as they did then. The predicament, in fact, is very similar, except the record amount of debt is nearly double what it was a dozen years ago, making the situation more dire. Thanks to Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law.
What to do? 
In the short-term, defaulting on the national debt would be disastrous. The most-recent debt-ceiling battle led to a downgrade of U.S. government-issued securities. A default would be even worse. As interest rates and the prospect of a recession rise, a missed coupon payment on U.S. Treasury securities would be catastrophic and set the stage for a global attempt to find alternatives to the U.S. dollar as the main form of currency for international trade.
I was inspired by the great peacemakers and leaders to create Six Global Agreements, agreements that help us ground and anchor the WEvolution, our mutual evolution, rooted in heart-centered awareness. The WEvolution calls for us to link hands and hearts with each other to heal ourselves and the world around us.
How can we create a world that reflects compassion and love? How do we bring heaven, that we perceive is somewhere out there, into our own bodies and into this life? How can we collaborate in heart-centered awareness rather than ego centered consciousness? And what can we do right now to collectively create our highest vision and version of heaven on Earth?
I invite you to join me in working with these 6 Global Agreements of the WEvolution, a simple formula, a practice, designed to lead humanity out of our global shadow, by guiding us inward, into our heart, into the sacred WE Space.

Six Agreements by Larisa Stow

Six Agreements by Larisa Stow

Six Agreements by Larisa Stow

Six Agreements by Larisa Stow

Six Agreements by Larisa Stow

Six Agreements by Larisa Stow

Six Agreements by Larisa Stow

Guitar Keyboard Chart by gvan42

Journey to the Center of the Mind:
Amboy Dukes... Ted Nugent

E, E, E, F, F#, G, G, G, F#,F (repeat 3x)
Leave your cares behind, come with us and find, (E)
the pleasures of a journey to the center of the mind (D,E)
Come along if you care (A, C, C, B, Bd, A)
come along if you dare (A, C, C, B, Bd, A)
Take a ride to the land inside of your mind. (C, B7)
Beyond the seas of thought, beyond the realm of what (E)
across the streams of hopes and dreams where things are really Hot. (D, E)
Come along if you care (A, C, C, B, Bd, A)
come along if you dare (A, C, C, B, Bd, A)
Take a ride to the land inside of your mind (C, B7)
But please realize you'll probably be surprised, (E, D)
for it's the land unknown to man where fantasy is fact. (E, D)
So, if you can, please understand, (E, D)
you might not come back... (E, D)
Come along if you care (A, C, C, B, Bd, A)
come along if you dare (A, C, C, B, Bd, A)
Take a ride to the land inside, and you'll see (C,B7)
How happy life could be, if all of mankind, (E, D)
would take the time to journey to the center of the mind (E, D)
would take the time to journey to the center of the mind (E, D)

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