Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

LONG STRANGE TRIP is an Excellent Movie about the Grateful Dead. Four Hours Long, it Traces their History from the Very Beginning thru Jerry Garcia's Death.

Made with the help of Tricia Garcia and Justin Kreutzman, it shows Many Films that I Have Not Seen Before... Being Family, They Had Access to Everything in the Vault. 

Interviews with Musicians, Roadies, Sound Techs, Girlfriends, Children, Deadheads, Record Company Executive, etc etc etc... This is a Insightful Film... I was especially Moved by the Filmed Interview With Barbara Meier... A Girlfriend of Jerry Garcia's from the Bluegrass Banjo Years of his Youth and then Again During his Scuba Diving Era in Late Life... 

The Movie Does Not Document the Post Garcia Years... My Last Concert was the "Fare Ye Well" Shows in Santa Clara, CA - and it was a Truly Epic Event! 

Dancing Bears: Grateful Dead

Long Strange Trip is a 2017 American documentary film about the Grateful Dead

Long Strange Trip was directed by Amir Bar-Lev, and has a running time of almost four hours. Martin Scorsese was one of the executive producers. Justin Kreutzmann, the son of Grateful Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann, was one of the producers.

The film features newly conducted interviews with living band members and friends including Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir and his wife Natascha, Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Phil Lesh, John Perry Barlow, Robert Hunter, Donna Godchaux, Dennis McNally, Barbara "Brigid" Meier, Nick Paumgarten, Steve Silberman, and Alan Trist. 


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Project MKULTRA: The CIA Mind Control Experiment That Escaped The Laboratory and Got Out Onto The Dance Floor! Was "The Sixties" Really a Test to Just Find Out What Would Happen IF A Million People Took LSD?


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Grateful Dead Tech History - Podcast Interviews with the Electronics Engineers that Built Their Amazing Sound... Ned Lagin: Seastones - 
John Perry Barlow: Electronic Frontier Foundation
Good Ol' Grateful Deadcast: Long Strange Tech:

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American History: "The Thunder Machine" 
made by Ron Boise was used by Ken Kesey at 
the Acid Tests. It was a Giant Sheet Metal 
Sculpture that you Got Inside and Played like 
a Drum.

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"A Spiral of Deadheads" Science Fiction Story 
by gvan42 - and - "Ceremony and Ritual" 
- Psychedelic Poetry

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Grateful Dead... My Story... American History... 
and Original Deadhead ART...

My Sugar Cube Painting...
like the cover of 
"The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test" 
by Tom Wolfe.

I first noticed the Grateful Dead in 1968 in 
English class at junior high school. Our teacher 
had put up posters on the wall of the classroom
and we wrote essays about them. He was 
attempting to stimulate creative WRITING 
but more importantly, creative THINKING.

One was an American flag made out of 
swastikas and another was a solarized/
negative photo of 5 hairy men 
standing in front of "LITTLE BOXES" type 
suburban tract homes... I Did Not Recognize 

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Grateful Deadhead Tribute Webpage. 
Pictures and Tall Tales. Many thanks to all that 
made the Grateful Dead an American Miracle... 
Just remember, if our lives together were 
written as a fiction story, everyone would 

dismiss it as being unbelievable... 

Yet it all really happened! ART, Poetry and 

MyStory... I'm Gr8ful 


Grateful Dead psychedelic art files for your 
viewing pleasure...
The wonderful Winterland Arena in San 
Francisco was the home to many Grateful 
Dead Concerts... It was the ONE PLACE where 
the Wall of Sound really worked! 
They had days to set up the equipment and 
tweak it to perfection... 
and it was a fine show! They included fire on 
stage and ladies dancing with silk scarves...

and I Went to That Concert... I Remember Many
People With Movie Cameras... 

and I Went to 39 Concerts Total... 

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

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